Only Premium members have access to personalized Horoscopes, Lunations, Synastries, unlimited Tarot readings and extra Charts!
Subscribing through the app: When you open the Astrolink App, tap on “Upgrade to Premium” and choose one of the available plans. After choosing the plan you want, tap on "Subscribe Now".
Then confirm your details and tap on "Continue”. You will be redirected to your mobile Google Play Store's (Android) app , where you must complete the information requested for the purchase.
Subscribing from our website using Credit Card: Upon entering Astrolink, you will find the "Enable Premium Features" button on the left side, just below your name and picture: click on it.
Choose one of our plans and click on "Subscribe Now". Next, just fill in all the required data and the information of your Credit Card. Finally, click on "Pay" and...It´s done!
We emphasize you will have full access to the Premium resources both the App and the Website.
If you're not Premium yet and have doubts, Contact us!